Psychedelic Bee Art - Encounters with Bees - E 

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Psychedelic Bee Art
Sol Gorosito
Hallucinogenic Himalayan Honey
Margaret Roach
Alexandra Semushina
Print Art Trippy
Bee-Faced Mushroom Shaman 9,000 year old
Psychedelic prints

From the top left: Sol Gorosito - Hallucinogenic Himalayan Honey - Margaret Roach – Liadelyonart – Alexandra Semushina – Simperi Meghmakesart – Ozneo - Print Art Trippy - Bee-Faced Mushroom Shaman 9,000 year old – Beetronicsfx – Tumbir – Psychedelic prints

Psychedelic: from the Greek psyche “soul and a second part variously interpreted from the Greek deloun“ show, manifest ”(psychic elements normally repressed) - adj. (pl.m.-ci)
1 Which makes the thought manifest, called spec. of hallucinogenic drugs that would have the power to give the user the feeling of mentally freeing him from the structures of social conventions.
2 est. Said of figuration or musical composition that is inspired by the visual and sound effects produced on man by the use of hallucinogenic drugs: poster, show - music, psychedelic art. - from the Zingarelli dictionary
–– Among the images of the various artists, the one at the top right is dedicated to Himalayan hallucinogenic honey, then there is the one related to Ayahuasca, an infusion based on Amazonian psychoactive plants capable of inducing a visionary effect, below the art by Annie Kyla Bennett, which also includes hemp in the works, while the last image in the article is produced by Psiloteric Vision which deals with art and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

See also

Related article: The way of psychedelic sounds by Walter Maioli

Annie Kyla Bennett- Bee Art

The artists
Psiloteric Visions independent art studio Trevor & Ania

Psiloteric Visions independent art studio Trevor & Ania

Annie Kyla Bennett

Annie Kyla Bennett

Psychedelic Bee Art


Psychedelic: from the Greek psyche “soul and a second part variously interpreted from the Greek deloun“ show, manifest ”(psychic elements normally repressed) - adj. (pl.m.-ci)

Project information

  • Title: Psychedelic Bee Art
  • Revision: 12
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  • Posted by:
  • Posted on: 2021-04-27
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  • Internal Code: psychedelic-bee-art